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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Squid Girl WIP

SquidGirl WIP 002

SquidGirl WIP 001

Last night, I painted my Squid Girl. I knew I wanted her to have red hair, but I also wanted her to have a fantastical color scheme. Attaching the legs was quite a chore especially when it got down to the last two legs. There was hardly any room for the needle. Somehow I got them on there.

By the way, this is my doll for the MRSBO Raggedy Anne Doll Challenge that will be held on January 31. I have a skeletal outline for her story. No name yet, but I'm sure I'll find a good one.

Now I need to make her dress. Stay tuned for more pictures.


Anonymous said...

Great colours! Looking forward to see what you 'robe' her in.

Coppermouse Dolls said...

Thanks Kay. :)

btchywmyn said...

hi! i always enjoy looking at your art and your dolls are fantastic! You said you had a hard time with the last two legs because of the needle. I don't know what kind of needle you use, but I have had great success using a curved needle. Sometimes you can get them in the quilting departments. Happy Dollmaking! dawn