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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Beauty and Charm of Teeny the Pug.

Teeny Gallery

Auction Link

Teeny 004

You all know the old saying, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Well, it's true. Most things I find to be pretty, others are quick to say "that's the ugliest thing I've ever seen." I shrug my shoulders and hope someday they will see the light.

For those of you who have visited my blog may already be aware that my tastes are a bit eccentric. I love big noses, fuzzy men and over-bred goldfish.

New Telescope
My God! Just look at that gorgeous little water baby!

Over time, I have come to realize that I am not the only person to feel this way. I think my dolls can be a little ornery and some people like ornery. And, it goes without saying, that I am extremely grateful for it.

Now when I was growing up, my grandmother was given a blond Pekingese puppy. As the puppy grew, this beautiful face emerged. Oh she was a delightful little dog. I loved hearing her snort and watching her curled little tongue bounce up and down when she would pant. So I feel that now it is only natural that I love Pugs. I think I like their faces better than Pekingese only because of the shorter hair and more box-like shape to their heads.

Beautiful blond lion!

Such a stoic face.

So this week, I decided to roll around in my weirdness and make a doll which is very close to my heart. My subject is the Pug. My doll, Teeny represents my affection for wall-eyes and wrinkled noses.

Teeny 010

After I published this post, I quickly realized that I forgot to mention my affection for Persian cats. So here is a shout out to those beautiful felines!

What a doll!

Let's not forget the cranky and power-hungry villain, Mr. Tinkles from "Cats & Dogs."

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tagged...yet again.


I've been tagged by Nina Mason of Nina Mason Dolls. Who, by the way, has a fantastic Little Red Riding Hood doll on Ebay right now.

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Here are my six things:
1. I am currently trying to make a figaro jacket for my pug doll.
2. I am reading "Cesar's Way" by Cesar Milan.
3. My favorite movie at the moment is "There Will Be Blood."
4. I like orange flavored Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pops.
5. Edward Gorey is one of most favorite cartoonists.
6. I want to learn how to carve wood.

Here are six random artists:
1. Dolls of Yore
2. North Dixie Designs
3. The Treadler
4. Oddfae
5. The Whimsical Goblin
6. Cart Before the Horse

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Honor Bumblydour the chicken-girl

Honor Bumblydour 008

Honor Bumblydour Gallery

Welcome to this week's adoption. May I introduce Honor Bumblydour, the chicken-girl. She is holding her grammar book and is ready for today's lesson. Honor is very attentive, but is easily distracted by very small rocks.

We hope you can bring Honor home with you because our cook, Mrs. Milleford Skimpole, has tried twice already to roast poor little Honor and stuff her with bread and all the fixings. "Imagine how succulent she'd be!" cried Mrs. Skimpole as the sisters dragged her away. Honestly, can you imagine cooking Honor on a bed of carrots and onions with lots of yummy gravy and...excuse me.

But I digress. Honor is very good little chicken-girl and would go quite well with green beans.

Honor is made out of needle-sculpted cloth and paperclay. She is made from my own patterns. I hand-painted her with acrylics and sealed her with a coat of varnish. Her red grammar book is made out of polymer clay and is also sealed with acrylic varnish. Honor's dress is made from a lovely scrolling floral cotton. Honor is wearing bloomers trimmed with ivory lace, a petticoat and an apron.

On a different note:

Last December I made my mind up to have more discipline and focus by creating a doll from scratch every week. It takes about four days to make one doll. That's tracing the pattern, sewing, cutting, stuffing, sculpting, painting, costuming,photographing it for the auction and writing a new story and finally writing the html for the auction.

Doing this certainly has it's ups and downs. Sometimes it can be very discouraging and at others the most rewarding experience. I don't care what one does, it feels great to complete a task. It only gets discouraging when I feel very crunched for time and feel as though I were neglecting my true passion, dollmaking.

My goal is no matter what, have a doll ready to go each and every week (except the last two weeks in December for obvious reasons). No matter what life has going on, there will be a Coppermouse Doll up for auction on Ebay on Wednesday.

There will be an auction this week. It is for my chicken-girl. However, there is a boycott going on this week at Ebay. You see Ebay is instituting some changes this May and there are those who are very unhappy with it. So those unhappy sellers are boycotting Ebay from Feb. 18th to the 25th.

I am not one of the unhappy sellers boycotting Ebay. I am happy with Ebay and have decided to roll with the waves. However, if things get unsatisfactory, then I shall sell on Etsy and That's a big "if." I am not too worried about it.

If you are interested in joining my mailing list to see where I am selling my dolls, now is the time to join. Just enter your email address in the Yahoo group at the upper right hand corner of this blog. Links are always provided for my auctions. The mailing list is strictly to notify members of the mailing list when I have a doll for sale.

In the meantime, for this auction only, I have a reserve set at one-hundred dollars (ten dollars will go to my chosen charity, Operation Kindness). If the doll does not sell on Ebay for one-hundred dollars, then I shall list the doll in my Etsy store for one-hundred and fifty dollars (fifteen of which shall go to Operation Kindness).

Uneasy feelings about the Ebay marketplace has caused me to do this unusual auction. My next auction will be as before with a starting bid of twenty-four dollars and no reserve.

I appreciate your understanding about all of this. I am sure everything will go back to normal over at Ebay, but I feel I must be ready to change.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Black Primitive Doll: Polly and Wogg

Polly and Wogg Gallery

Polly and Wogg 011

Polly and Wogg 004

Polly and Wogg 005
Auction Link

It's been about two years since I've made a black doll. So without further ado, here is Polly and her pet frog, Wogg. Little Polly has raised Wogg since he was a tiny slimy tadpole. Just look at the size of that thing now. It's huge. Polly plans on entering Wogg into the frog jumping competition at the annual fair. Odds are Wogg will win by a landslide.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Greta Gatlin up for adoption on Ebay.

Greta Gatlin 005

Greta Gatlin

Up for adoption this week is a somewhat homely little girl and her ugly little doll. Her name is Greta Gatlin and she is about six years old. Not too much is known about her. Some say she smells a little like old cheese and is prone to cracking her knuckles. If you can put with that, then I am sure you'll just love her.